Our life events assume their proper teeny, tiny size in the cosmic scheme of things when we stand in front of our ancestors. Even so our individual life is important.
At GetConstellated I’ll be diving into
ancestral healing
life through the Constellations lens
the slow burn of socio-economic conditions
trends in the Constellations sphere
how I have wrangled my trauma and resilience
other therapeutic systems/modalities
collective trauma
and more
New for you? Here are a couple of easy and enjoyable ways to ‘get’ systemic or family constellations:
watch the Netflix series Another Self / Zeytin Agaci, the story of three beautiful women who have been friends since uni days, set in sun-kissed Turkish landscapes and towns where they encounter a constellations therapist
watch the 30 minute YouTube clip featuring Albrecht Mahr at byronevents for an elegant, incisive and sensitive telling of this medical doctor’s experience of constellations
If you’re over 21, had a childhood, and are curious about the life you’ve lived and how you got to where you are, emotionally, relationally, in work, and other choices you have made, subscribe, book a session!

We know how messy humans are, how entangled we get, how we lose sight of the wood for the trees, how stuck we become, how we repeat unhelpful patterns, how much life we live before we seek clarity and greater ease. If you would like to
lessen the effects of trauma
activate your resilience
feel better
know yourself
have more understanding, respect and compassion for others.
tread more lightly on the earth
live more intentionally -
GetConstellated to discover more about how you, your family, your patterns, your trauma and your resilience work.
I welcome you to sign up here, to book a session with me - or another Constellations Therapist. Please share widely, and subscribe.
Thank you!
This blog appeared first at ksole.substack.com See it there and subscribe!
Copyright Karen Sole